Arvo Pärt, rené clemencic, Hans-Jürgen gerung, kristzof penderecki
The four contemporary composers featured in this program exhibit remarkably diverse approaches to this genre.
Over the years, the Schola Romana Ensemble has inspired the creation of new "a Cappella" sacred music. Some compositions, particularly René Clemencic's "Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah" and Hans-Jürgen Gerung's madrigal "Ecce tu," were composed specifically for our ensemble.
As a result, our ensemble is now recognized as one of the leading authorities on the vitality of "a Cappella" sacred music—a genre far from forgotten—due to the ever-evolving perspectives this musical medium offers to composers' creativity and audience enjoyment.
A detail from the autograph score of "Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae" by René Clemencic, dedicated to the Schola Romana Ensemble
Arvo Pärt
Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, tenor; violin, viola, cello
René Clemencic
Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae forvocal ensemble "a Cappella"
Hans-Jürgen Gerung
Ecce tu pulchra es for "a Cappella" choir
Kristzof Penderecki
Stabat Mater for three mixed choirs "a Cappella"
Stefano Sabene, conductor
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935), one of today's most celebrated composers, sets Jacopone da Todi's Stabat Mater to music through his signature minimalist style. The vocal ensemble and its instrumental counterpart blend seamlessly, creating diaphanous, crystalline sounds. The static, almost hypnotic progression of the voices is complemented by the ethereal yet animated passages of the instruments.
The second piece of the concert is Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae, by René Clemencic's (1928-2022), crafted for a small vocal ensemble reminiscent of a Renaissance chapel choir in both number and arrangement. Clemencic approaches the dramatic biblical text by drawing directly from its Gregorian roots, enriching it with a sophisticated contrapuntal writing that showcases his profound knowledge of ancient repertoire, making him both an esteemed scholar and an unforgettable interpreter.
Hans-Jürgen Gerung’s (b. 1960) madrigal Ecce tu pulchra es brings the verses of the Song of Songs, the biblical love poem, to life. The composition blends the author's solid contrapuntal technique with a contemporary musical language, weaving moments of profound lyricism throughout its intricate structure.
Krzysztof Penderecki’s (1933-2020) Stabat Mater is a cornerstone of contemporary sacred vocal music. Inspired by the Baroque polychoral tradition, Penderecki's work is emotionally impactful, contrasting the dense weight of choral masses with sharp dissonances. This dynamic envelops Jacopone da Todi's text in an intense sorrow that seems without resolution until the powerful final, where darkness is dispelled by a burst of light. In this concluding chord, as the three choirs unite in a consonant harmony, the Resurrection is foreshadowed.